The Emerging Choreographer 2009 "Dance X Men" Photo Exhibition will be held at Linkbridge, Lincoln House, TaiKoo Place, Island East from 10th to 17th September 2009.
Please note that the second Photo Exhibition originally planned to be held at Citygate Outlet, from18th to 27th September 2009 will be cancelled because of technical problem. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
"Dance X Men" Photo Exhibition
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Emerging Choreographer Series
10:55 AM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
《暗湧》Concealed Darkness
黃碧琪 X 黃宇恆 (舞台視覺設計)
Rebecca Wong X Albert Wong Yue-hang (Scenography)
善於隱藏的孤寂感,為自己披上假歡樂的大衣,造就滿台的偽色彩。卻令她身、心的暗淡枯乾,如暗湧般日漸浮於表面...... 編舞以女性獨特的焦慮、冷感甚至瘋狂感官世界,與燈光裝置設計一起舞弄軀體的光、影、色、相
Good at concealing, loneliness covers itself with a coat of fake happiness and counterfeits a colorful life. But it also makes her faded and shriveled, physically and spiritually. Like an undercurrent, it is gradually reaching the surface… Together with lighting installation, the choreographer creates a dance of light, shadow, colors, and forms, with female sensitivity.
黃碧琪 Rebecca Wong
Rebecca Wong is currently studying at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts majoring in Contemporary Dance and Choreography. She is enthusiastic about choreography and has created numerous works during her time at the Academy. She is keen on working with different media as demonstrated in Site Specific Gorgeously Unexpected and the Multimedia Production Melaleuca Leucaendra & Cycle. Her recent works include the Academy’s Choreographic Workshop I production of Journey and Site Specific production of Invisible Waves.
She has also worked with different artists, Mui Cheuk-yin (Hong Kong), Raewyn Hill (New Zealand), and Jaime Redfern (Australia). In 2007 and 2008, she successively visited Malaysia and Taipei to participate in exchanges with local dancers and to widen her horizons in arts. She is currently looking for opportunities to explore different aspects in choreography, and find her own dance language in the process.
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Emerging Choreographer Series
9:30 AM
Monday, August 24, 2009
《藍大衣》Blue Coat
賈東霖 X 葉彩鳳 X 江景先 (數碼互動影像)
Jia Donglin X Koala Yip X James Kong (Digital interactive projection)
A dance dedicated to mother and maternal love. The choreographer, together with two multi-media artists, tries to deliver a ‘pas de deux’ of mother and son in the form of a male solo. Will the blue coat, the universal costume of the previous generation of Chinese people, echo a memory endless like a cerulean sky, or a feeling deep like a dark blue sea?
賈東霖 Jia Donglin
With experience of working in university and theatrical troupes, Jia Donglin was awarded the Chongqing outstanding young talents and the excellent instructor of Chongqing University Students Festival. His works include I want to fly, Sweet spring, Dream, Two people of the world. He won the Chongqing Arts and Literature Award, Chongqing Drama Festival Award for best drama (the highest award), National Students Art Festival for the third prize. In 2008, he won a full scholarship to enter the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts to study MFA in Dance, and currently he is an independent choreographer.
葉彩鳳 Koala Yip
美國加州藝術學院舞蹈/綜合媒體碩士及香港演藝學院舞蹈學士;曾於紐約接受瑪莎·葛蘭姆現代舞學校以及百老匯中心的舞蹈訓練。回港前,她是美國加州 Trip Dance Theatre 和 Bridge Dance Company 的成員。葉氏曾獲得多項奬學金,包括:尤德爵士基金研究生獎學金、美國文化協會美國舞蹈節奬學金、美國舞蹈節錄像獎學金以及香港演藝學院校長獎。她亦曾榮獲香港紫荊杯最佳表演獎。
Koala Yip graduated from the California Institute of the Arts with an MFA in Dance / Integrated Media and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a BFA (Hons) in Dance. She also received dance training at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance and the Broadway Dance Center in New York. Before relocating back to Hong Kong, she was a member of Trip Dance Theatre and Bridge Dance Company in California, USA. Yip was the recipient of major scholarships including Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Overseas Fellowship, American Cultural Council American Dance Festival Scholarship, American Dance Festival Video Apprenticeship, and HKAPA Director’s Prize. She also won the Best Performance Award in the Bauhinia Cup Hong Kong Dance Championship.
江景先 James Kong
畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,獲頒理學學士(榮譽)學位,對應用電腦程式於舞台創作深感興趣。他在大學時開始成為舞者,曾參加多個由本地大學組織的表演,並同時參與這些演出的設計工作。他創作的互動演出《Hexic》,是結合編舞、音效和平面設計的多媒體互動舞蹈作品。作為一個初露頭角的多媒體藝術家,他曾以互動媒體設計師的身分與 Drama Box 合作創作《Drift》,並在新加坡、上海和澳門巡演。江氏近期創作包括與葉彩鳳合作為東邊舞蹈團作品《這一邊,那一邊》設計互動影像。
James Kong graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) (BScCM) from the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong Kong. He is interested in the implementation of Programming into Stage Performance. A dancer since his university days, Kong has performed in various performances organized by local universities for which he has also been involved in media design. His interactive performance Hexic is a dance piece integrating multimedia interactivity of choreography, sonic, and graphic design. As emerging multimedia artist, he collaborated, as interactive media designer, with Drama Box in the stage production Drift. The production toured Singapore, Shanghai, and Macau. His recent stage involvement includes This Side, That Side for which he designed interactive visuals in collaboration with Koala Yip.
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Emerging Choreographer Series
9:33 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009
《金星人呀,金星人》 Venusian Oh! Venusian
標局 (李健偉 X 陳文進 X 黄振邦)
Biuguk (Max Lee X Chris Chan X Bruce Wong)
People say Martians rely on Venusians to survive. With a glowing body, the Venusian has an enchanting power that dazzles the Martian. Together with seven theatre artists from various fields, Biuguk uses body movements to illustrate the inevitable struggles between Men and Women.
標局首個演出《標童》於04年首次演出、07年重演。大獲好評。2008年承東邊舞蹈團邀請,泡製了短編《Before the Last Second》。
Referring literally to the security guards of ancient China, Biuguk is an initiative of four Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts graduates – Chris Chan, Max Lee and Bruce Wong. It was officially established on 8 August 2007 and is committed to innovation, fusion, and break-through. While productions are based mostly on modern dance and musical theatre dance forms, the group is also devoted to incorporating different media on stage.Little Men's Blue (2004) was the first production of the predecessor of Biuguk, and was rerun in 2007 upon Biuguk's establishment. Both productions were well-received by audiences and critics.Biuguk was also invited by the E-side Dance Company to participate in a short production Before the Last Second in 2008.
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Emerging Choreographer Series
10:44 AM
Monday, August 17, 2009
《假的》 Fake
羅思朗 X 羅健邦 (作曲/現場演奏)
Sarah Lo Sze-long X Law Kin-pong (Sound/Live music)
After the pleasant moment quickly passes, will all fantasy and hope turn into illusion? Is a relationship that lacks real care and support as blank as a dotted line without any trace of live feeling? A Live Performance by composer, musicians, and four dancers together with an exploration of their relationships. When their Space starts to open and their Time will begin to tell…
羅思朗 Sarah Lo Sze Long

Born in Hong Kong, Lo is currently a visiting student at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) degree from the Academy in 2009, majoring in contemporary dance and choreography. Lo was awarded several scholarships during her study including The Disney Scholarship, The Society of APA Scholarship, and the Carl Wolz Scholarship. She received a scholarship to participate in the American Dance Festival in 2007 and was selected to work for The William Forsythe Project. She has worked with numerous choreographers such as Jacob Cheng, Matej Kejzar, Kristina Berger, Robert Tannion, Jaime Redfern, Raewyn Hill, John Utans, Mui Cheuk Yin, and Wu Yishan. Lo was chosen by the World Dance Alliance to represent Hong Kong to join the Taipei International Dance Elite Academy TAIPEiDEA 2008. In February 2009, she was a dancer for the Hong Kong Podium Exchange Performance Series production of Hit or Miss choreographed by Rebecca Wong and presented by Guangdong Modern Dance Company. Lo’s choreographic works include Goes Along With Expectation and Complementary Attitude.
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Emerging Choreographer Series
9:33 AM
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
舞道X傳人 Dance X Man
承接著2007-2008「編舞.新系列」的成果,香港舞蹈聯盟將在2009年推出「編舞新人王」—《舞道X傳人》,並獲得香港藝術發展局委約製作,和邀請了香港演藝學院作為合作伴。《舞道X傳人》的一個重點新概念是「合作」,透過藝術家或團體間的合力創作,達到創意相乘的效益。 這個以打造本地新一代編舞家為目標的計劃,由著名編舞家楊春江擔任藝術總監,並邀得著名編舞家梅卓燕和伍宇烈作為顧問。他們在四月從公開招募所收集到的計劃書中,選出四個創作組合為九月的演出創作全新作品。四個組合已在七、八月間開始創作排練,並與藝術總監和兩位顧問討論創作中的作品,從中汲取參考意見。四個參與計劃的組合分別為:
- 羅思朗 X 羅健邦(作曲/現場演奏)
- 黃碧琪 X 黃宇恆(舞台視覺設計)
- 賈東霖 X 葉彩鳳 X 江景先(數碼互動影像)
- 標局 (李健偉X陳文進X黄振邦)
- Sarah Lo Sze-long X Law Kin-pong (Sound/Live music)
- Rebecca Wong X Albert Wong Yue-hang (Scenography)
- Jia Donglin X Koala Yip X James Kong (Digital interactive projection)
- Biuguk (Max Lee X Chris Chan X Bruce Wong)
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Emerging Choreographer Series
1:14 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Photo Exhibition
A Photo Exhibition for Emerging Choreographers Series will be held at the Ecomonist Gallery of the Hong Kong Fringe Club, from 12 to 16 February 2008. Come take a look of the movements captured by Cheung Chi Wai, Ringo Chan and Jesse Clockwork.
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Emerging Choreographer Series
3:49 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Fluctuation Choreographed by Wu Yi-san
Wearing coats of desire, they open the door of need and begin to search… Inspired by the work of the great contemporary American psychiatrist Irvin D. Yalom, The Schopenhauer Cure, the desire and existence of human beings are examined, and a touching journey of the soul is initiated.Wu Yi-san graduated from the National Institute of the Arts in Taiwan and joined Cloud Gate Dance Theatre in 1994. She joined CCDC in 1996 and was a member of South ‘ASLI’ Dance Workshop from 1996 to 2001. She toured with CCDC and Cloud Gate Dance Theatre to American, Germany, United Kingdom, China, Singapore, France, Israel, Denmark, Australia, India. In 2000, she received a Hong Kong Dance Awards from Hong Kong Dance Alliance. In 2003 and 2006 she was listed in Hong Kong Dance Hall of Fame. In 2006 she received the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund to study at the London Contemporary Dance School in the UK. She performed in Random Dance Company and Akram Khan Dance Company and worked with Protein Dance in 2004. She choreographed and danced Formosa for Curcibe in Germany. Her choreography includes Somewhere Out There co-choreographed Victoria is not a Buoy with Yuri Ng and Jay Jen Loo and toured in Singapore, Tangent Zero with Jay Jen Loo and The Homeless of Fei Fung Street, please! for South ‘ASLI’ Dance Workshop. She is currently a freelance dancer, choreographer, and dance teacher. From 2006, she has been an MFA in Dance student at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
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Emerging Choreographer Series
4:11 PM
Preview of Danzzzzzling
A preview of Danzzzzzling by Choreography Archival Project is now available at
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Emerging Choreographer Series
3:46 PM
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Timedrifting Choreographed by Chloe Wong
A connection, a power from nature, which is most simple but teaches me how to survive in this world.
Chloe, Ching Ting Wong, started dancing at 13 and was trained at exceptional youth Dance Company in CCDC and touring to Taiwan and Guangzhou. In 2006, She graduated from The Hong Kong Academy For Performing Arts, holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts(Honours)Degree in Modern Dance. She loves performing, danced with many artists’s works and was awarded a scholarship from The Society of The Academy for Performing Arts. She fascinated in choreography, presenting works including: “Between the happiness and loneliness” in Hong Kong Dance Festival 06—Site Specific Series; “Precious Thing” in Dance Platform 05; “A minute for” and “Here, There” in Choreographic Workshop 05 and 06 in HKAPA. “Here ,There” also showed in “Tari 05, International Dance Festivel—Show Case in Malaysia. “Knots”,“In Between” in HKAPA Site Specific 02 and 03. She worked with Cyrus Hun and Elaine Kwok, presented “the poem of three” in I-Dance Festival and “Sometimes” in CCDC Dance Center’s Partnership Program. After Graduated, She was awarded a scholarship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, to further studying a Master program at Hollins University /American Dance Festival in 2006. Her thesis was presented in HU/ADF MFA performance in ADF 07. She also showed her works in “HU/ADF MFA Thesis Concert”in New York, “Spring Dance 2007” and “Fall Dance Gathering 2006” in Hollins Theater. She got the scholarship, as a representative to take part in “Monaco Dance Forum 2006”. She is freelance choreographer, dancer and teacher. She focuses so much on creativity, sharing and respects the power of everyone’s individual values in art and the society.
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Emerging Choreographer Series
7:32 PM