承接著2007-2008「編舞.新系列」的成果,香港舞蹈聯盟將在2009年推出「編舞新人王」—《舞道X傳人》,並獲得香港藝術發展局委約製作,和邀請了香港演藝學院作為合作伴。《舞道X傳人》的一個重點新概念是「合作」,透過藝術家或團體間的合力創作,達到創意相乘的效益。 這個以打造本地新一代編舞家為目標的計劃,由著名編舞家楊春江擔任藝術總監,並邀得著名編舞家梅卓燕和伍宇烈作為顧問。他們在四月從公開招募所收集到的計劃書中,選出四個創作組合為九月的演出創作全新作品。四個組合已在七、八月間開始創作排練,並與藝術總監和兩位顧問討論創作中的作品,從中汲取參考意見。四個參與計劃的組合分別為:
- 羅思朗 X 羅健邦(作曲/現場演奏)
- 黃碧琪 X 黃宇恆(舞台視覺設計)
- 賈東霖 X 葉彩鳳 X 江景先(數碼互動影像)
- 標局 (李健偉X陳文進X黄振邦)
After the success of Emerging Choreographers Series in 2007-2008, the Hong Kong Dance Alliance, commissioned by Hong Kong Arts Development Council and partnered with the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, presents Emerging Choreographers 2009 – Dance X Men. The project emphasizes collaboration, aiming to achieve an effect that multiplies creativity through successful choreographic collaborations. Established choreographer Daniel Yeung serves as the Artistic Director of the project. With an aim to cultivate a new generation of choreographers, Yeung, together with the project’s Mentors – established choreographers Mui Cheuk-yin and Yuri Ng – have selected 4 groups from the proposals received through an open call in this April to create new works for the performances in September. They have been choreographing and rehearsing since this July, and discussing their works-in-progress with Artistic Director and Mentors, and receiving opinions to help refine their works. The four participating groups of the project are:
- Sarah Lo Sze-long X Law Kin-pong (Sound/Live music)
- Rebecca Wong X Albert Wong Yue-hang (Scenography)
- Jia Donglin X Koala Yip X James Kong (Digital interactive projection)
- Biuguk (Max Lee X Chris Chan X Bruce Wong)
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